Faculty of Foreign Languages

The Faculty of Foreign Languages is a multicultural centre that prepares philologists, translators, English, Modern Greek, German, Italian, Polish, and French language teachers. It develops Hellenistic studies in Ukraine and study and popularize the unique culture of the Greeks of Azov.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of studying at the faculty is the opportunity to undergo foreign internships and be involved in world philological practices. Our students participate in the Erasmus+ international mobility programs, as well as scholarship programs funded by numerous University partners from around the world, attend lectures by European professors, and participate in various workshops led by language speakers and experienced professionals.

Studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages allows students to gain deep knowledge of the language and culture of other countries, helps expand their worldview and increases opportunities for international communication and employment. In addition, learning foreign languages increases competitiveness in the labour market and provides great opportunities for further career development.

Nataliya Pyrlik
Nataliya Pyrlik Декан факультету іноземних мов

Навчання на факультеті іноземних мов дозволяє студентам отримати глибокі знання про мову та культуру інших країн, допомагає розширити світогляд та збільшити можливості для міжнародного спілкування та працевлаштування. Крім того, вивчення іноземних мов збільшує конкурентоспроможність на ринку праці і надає великі можливості для подальшого розвитку кар'єри.

Faculty address: Київ, вул. Преображенська, 6
[email protected]
Academic year calendar

full-time education

external form of education

Classes schedule

full-time education

external form of education

Final certification
Sample documents
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