Youth Engagement in Science

At Mariupol State University, we recognize that the active involvement of young minds in scientific endeavours is a vital component of our nation's progress. Young scientists play a pivotal role in the advancement of science in Ukraine, bringing their enthusiasm, creativity, and unwavering drive to reshape our world for the better through scientific research. Consequently, Mariupol University stands unwaveringly committed to supporting and nurturing the scientific aspirations of our young talents.

A fundamental pillar of youth engagement in science and contemporary higher education lies in the research work conducted by students. This research provides an environment where the scientific and creative potential of our higher education students can flourish. It cultivates a scientific worldview, nurtures personal and professional growth, hones scientific thinking, and enhances individual abilities and research skills. These attributes are the building blocks of a new generation of young scientists who will pioneer innovative initiatives and advance Ukrainian science.
Engaging with student youth in scientific work encompasses various activities, such as participating in student scientific societies, competing in university, nationwide, and international student Olympiads, contests of scientific works and research projects on local and global stages, involvement in nationwide and international scientific-practical conferences, roundtable discussions, seminars, and active participation in research projects. Students also have the opportunity to publish their research findings in scientific journals.

The Youth Scientists Council (YSC) stands as a voluntary association comprising young scientists from MSU faculties. Its mission is to safeguard the rights and interests of young scientists at MSU, coordinate efforts to address contemporary challenges in scientific development, drive scientific and innovative initiatives, and facilitate knowledge exchange. The Youth Scientists Council collaborates effectively with the Youth Scientists Council under the Donetsk Regional State Administration, the Youth Scientists Council under the Ministry of Education and Science, the Scientist Support Office, and all of Mariupol University's partners, both domestic and international. In 2023, the Youth Scientists Council received recognition and gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

One of the primary initiatives aimed at encouraging student participation in scientific endeavours is the "Decade of Student Science." During this period, students gain valuable experience in preparing scientific reports, delivering presentations, and engaging in discussions within scientific sections. The event offers students the opportunity to see their own research showcased and their names published in a genuine scientific collection for the first time. Within the "Decade of Student Science," higher education students explore various scientific circles operating at MSU, gaining insights into the directions that align with their interests.

An annual tradition organized by the Youth Scientists Council is the "Forum of Young Scientists," coinciding with the International Day of Science. During this forum, young scientists from Mariupol University showcase their scientific achievements of the academic year and engage in discussions on contemporary scientific topics. The forum also serves as a platform to recognize and reward high-achieving students and young scientists. Each year, the Youth Scientists Council holds competitions for the "Best Young Scientist of MSU" and the "Best Student Scientific Society of MSU," with the winners receiving accolades at the "Forum of Young Scientists."

Discover more about the Youth Scientists Council, access contact information, review reports on students' research work, explore regulations, and stay informed about upcoming council meetings and collections from the "Decade of Student Science" in the provided sections.

At Mariupol State University, we are dedicated to nurturing the future leaders of science through active youth engagement, fostering an environment where curiosity and discovery thrive.