Specialized Scientific Councils

Mariupol State University: Pioneering Openness and Excellence in the European Higher Education Space

As a distinguished institution within the European higher education landscape, Mariupol University upholds the principles of transparency and public access when it comes to the evaluation and defence of doctoral theses (dissertation), ultimately leading to the conferment of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.

The defence process is facilitated through individualized meetings of specialized academic councils, carefully composed of esteemed scholars who possess expertise in the specific field chosen by the doctoral candidate for their research.

On this dedicated page, we provide comprehensive information pertaining to both past and upcoming thesis defences at Mariupol University. In addition, we offer detailed insights into the regulations governing the process for awarding the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

At Mariupol State University, we are committed to fostering academic excellence and transparency in our pursuit of advancing knowledge and scholarship. For a deeper understanding of the defence procedures and requirements, we encourage you to explore the resources provided here.

Join us in our journey towards educational and research excellence, all within the ethos of open and accessible higher education standards