Department of Applied Philology

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected] +380 68 191 09 22

The Department of Applied Philology is an educational oasis for those who believe in the power of communication and understanding, in the victory of humanism, and in the secrets of ancient and new texts of culture and history, language, and literature as mirrors of society. Specializing in teaching translation from English, Polish, and Spanish languages and cross-cultural dimensions of world literature, we prepare students for successful challenges in the community. By choosing the Department of Applied Philology, you are choosing opportunities for personal and professional growth in a global world.

We offer training in three languages, with the first being English, which expands opportunities in the labour market and opens the door to intercultural communication. It enables internships at universities and organizations in Europe and America, and participation in exchange projects and programs. All this is valuable experience for future specialists looking for a rapid career.

Our teachers are highly qualified practitioners who are ready to share their innovative educational experience and research results. They are dedicated to their work, and they strive to provide the best education possible. Our training programs are designed for people of all ages who are ready to face the challenges of today.

learning and teaching
The Department of Applied Philology introduces modern, methodical, and innovative approaches to the educational process. While studying disciplines, students are given the opportunity to choose to visit pairs: online or offline, synchronously using resources (ZOOM, Google Meet), or asynchronously (the Educational Portal of MSU (LMS Moodle)). This flexible approach enables our students to effectively combine their studies with other aspects of life.

The process of studying languages and literatures at the department is aimed at revealing creative potential and developing creativity, thanks to the use of the project method of learning, internships in publishing houses, the holding of the "PereKLADach" (Translator) competition, classes in the creative studio "Antrakt," (Intermission) and student scientific societies. This is an important aspect of the formation of specialists in philology and translation.

Exchange programs, particularly Erasmus+, offer unique opportunities for students in the department to deepen their knowledge and skills in the study of languages and cultures. One of the key advantages of these programs is the possibility of complete immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment of the country whose language is being studied.

Participation in exchange programs allows students to gain international experience, expand their horizons, and have a better understanding of global problems. Exchange programs make a positive contribution to students’ resumes and increase their competitiveness in the international labour market.

The department coordinates the work of the Center of Polish Culture, a special place where the Polish language, literature, and culture come to life and acquire a new sound. The main goal of the center is the popularization and study of the Polish language and culture, the expansion of students’ knowledge, and a deeper immersion in the world of the Polish word. The center organizes lectures, seminars, and round tables where important aspects of Polish literature are discussed. Students have the opportunity to study and analyze the works of prominent Polish writers.
research activities
A feature of the scientific work of the department’s teachers is the diversity of interests (problems of linguistics, literary studies, and translation studies), which have united in the implementation of the department’s complex scientific topic 0121U108019 "Comparative Studies: Slavic and Germanic languages and Literatures in a Cross-Cultural Perspective" (supervisor: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Pedchenko).

The department is the initiator and organizer of the International Scientific Seminar "May Polish-Ukrainian Readings" jointly with the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Interuniversity Scientific Seminar "Literature in a Cross-Cultural Perspective" jointly with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures of the University of Ottawa.

The department promotes international cultural exchange by organizing meetings with scientists from foreign universities and guest speeches by lecturers and cultural experts. The teachers of the department participate in scientific internships on various problems of modern philological research in European universities.
international cooperation
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce (Poland)
University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Universidad del Norte (Paraguay)
Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
Certification Programs
Spanish Philological Studies
Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Queer Literature

Lecturers of the department

Olena Pedchenko
Olena Pedchenko [email protected]

Нead of the Department of Applied Philology, Candidate of Philology Sciences

Academic profiles
Olexiy Sukhomlynov
Olexiy Sukhomlynov [email protected]

professor of the department of applied philology, doctor of philological sciences, professor

Academic profiles
Nelli Gaiduk
Nelli Gaiduk [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Viсtoria Kanna
Viсtoria Kanna [email protected]

Associate Professor of Applied Lingustics Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Olena Peftiieva
Olena Peftiieva [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Applied Linguistics, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, PhD, associate professor, -

Academic profiles
Mykhailo Tarapatov
Mykhailo Tarapatov [email protected]

Senior Instructor of Applied Philology Chair

Academic profiles
Yana Sychuhova
Yana Sychuhova [email protected]

Assistant of Department of Applied Philology

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Актуальні проблеми сучасної літератури Аналіз та інтерпретація художнього тексту Англійська мова (ОП «Кібербезпека») Англійська мова (ОП «Публічне управління та адміністрування») Анотування, реферування та редагування текстів Вступ до перекладознавства Вступ до перекладознавства (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Діджиталізація у гуманітарній галузі Іноземна мова Іноземна мова у професійному середовищі Іноземна мова у професійному середовищі (англійська) Історія англійської мови Історія зарубіжної літератури (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Історія літератури країн, мова яких вивчається Історія польської літератури та художній переклад Історія польської мови Історія та теорія зарубіжної літератури Лінгводидактика Лінгводидактика у цифрову епоху Лінгвокраїнознавство (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Літературознавчі студії Медіалінгвістика Медіалінгвістика (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Медіалінгвістика та контент-аналіз Мови і літератури у крос-культурній перспективі Основи наукових досліджень (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Порівняльна лінгвістика Практичний курс англійської мови Практичний курс англійської мови Практичний курс англійської мови та практика перекладу Практичний курс польської мови Практичний курс польської мови Практичний курс та практика перекладу англійської мови Проєктна діяльність та грантування Соціолінгвістика Сучасна література і актуальне мистецтво Сучасна польська література і художній переклад Сучасні лінгвістичні теорії Теорія і практика перекладу Теорія та практика перекладу (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Теорія та практика письмового перекладу англійської мови Теорія та практика усного перекладу англійської мови Фахова іноземна мова Фольклор і письмова література Цифрова лінгводидактика
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