Anti-Corruption Department

Corruption as a social phenomenon has negative effects in all areas of human life, slows down the process of socio-economic development, destructively affects political and public institutions of a democratic state, and is a serious threat to the country's development. Recently, all Ukrainians have realized how destructive corrupt actions can be for the state. Therefore, struggling against corruption is the duty of every citizen, and zero tolerance for corruption is the basis of MSU culture. The University has created and successfully operates Anti-Corruption Department, which monitors the compliance with anti-corruption legislation taking into account the best world practices. In addition, the anti-corruption work carried out at the University is aimed to ensure that the knowledge gained by our students forms a strong immunity against any corrupt phenomena in young people's lives. An annual anti-corruption plan is developed and approved, a work of lecturing group is organized, and various events aimed at forming zero tolerance for corruption are held. Among them, there are conversations, discussions, debates, intellectual games, meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies. Mariupol State University takes a principled position and condemns corruption as an illegal and unethical way of conducting activities.

Alla Novikova
Head of the Anti-Corruption Department

Anti-corruption legislation
Useful links
Prevention and settlement of conflicts in the activities of officials of MSU
Повідомити про факти корупції Заповніть форму і допоможіть нам боротися з корупцією в Україні. Ваші дані залишаться конфіденційними. Вкажіть контактний номер телефону, якщо Ви бажаєте отримати відповідь. Дякуємо за вашу підтримку!