Post-graduate admission
At Mariupol State University, one can become a post-graduate in the following program subject areas:
- 032 History and Archeology >>>
- 034 Culture Science >>>
- 035 Comparative Literary Studies >>>
- 051 Economics >>>
- 052 Political Science >>>
- 073 Management >>>
- 081 Law. Administrative Law and Procedure; Financial Law; Informational Law >>>
- 281 Public Management and Administration >>>
- 292 International Economic Relations >>>
The post-graduate course makes it possible to involve talented young people who will become faculty members of a number of academic chairs in Mariupol State University. The post-graduate course also adds a new impulse to the development of the University that is the leading educational, scientific and cultural center of the Azov Area. Besides, the post-graduate course makes it possible to introduce brand-new professional training technologies in conformity with Bologna Process.
The University provides post-graduate students with favorable learning conditions. Among them are:
- highly professional faculty;
- modern campus;
- co-working facility connected to the local network and to the Internet;
- electronic library;
- electronic catalogues and access to such scientometric databases as Scopus and Web of Science;
- publishing house;
- classrooms equipped with multimedia and video facilities;
- student dormitory.
If you have a query or need advice, please turn to the admission committee.
MRPL UNIbot is the digital colleague of the University’s admission committee.
Admission committee contacts:
1, 6/4 Preobrazhenska St., 1st floor
Kyiv, Ukraine
+380 96 7437443
[email protected]