International Projects
Mariupol University actively engages in grant project competitions sponsored by international funds. Participation in the implementation of such initiatives serves to advance the internationalization of education, modernize educational programmes, enhance established methodologies and mechanisms of university management, and implement novel ones that are tailored to the specific needs of MSU in order to ensure its long-term viability.
Current projects:
- ERASMUS+ CBHE “Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative” (DIGIUNI) >>>
- ERASMUS+ CBHE “Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education System” (Open4UA) >>>
- ERASMUS+KA220 “Climate Justice Living Lab” (CJLL) >>>
- Integration of Ukrainian Women Entrepreneurs in Ukraine and the United Kingdom: Challenges and Support in the Context of Forced Displacement >>>
- Public Studies School >>>
- Innovations in education and building the potential of higher education in Ukraine and Moldova (UNI-Paths) >>>
- Fostering Women’s Leadership in Ukrainian Academia. An Intersectional and Culturally Responsive Perspective >>>
Completed projects:
- Education Open Space for Students and Community (EDUSPACE) >>>
- Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities (REDU) >>>
- ERASMUS+ CBHE “Integration and Adaptation of Foreign Students” (INTERADIS) >>>
- ERASMUS+ CBHE “Qualifications Recognition Support for Ukrainian Universities” (QUARSU) >>>
- Leaders of University Transformation for Ukraine’s Reinvention Programme (LUTUR) >>>
- Erasmus+ KA2 “Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism” (DESTIN)
- ERASMUS+ KA2 “Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via Cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs” (EDUQAS)
- ERASMUS+ KA2 “Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection” (StudyBBSR)
- Czech-Ukrainian project “Changes of Pedagogical Faculties and Universities in the 21st Century”
- Strengthening Ukrainian Displaced Universities for Sustainability (SUDUS) project “Brandbook of Mariupol State University and development of campus interior”
- Strengthening Ukrainian Displaced Universities for Sustainability (SUDUS) project “Creating a Project Department for Recovery and Support”
- Strengthening Ukrainian Displaced Universities for Sustainability (SUDUS) project “CRM Platform for Organising an Effective Introductory Campaign”
- Strengthening Ukrainian Displaced Universities for Sustainability (SUDUS) project “Double Diploma: Effective Cooperation of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions to Restore the Infrastructure of Ukraine”
- TEMPUS project “Modernisation et Developpement de cours Professionnalisés - Modernization and development of specialized courses” (MODEP)
For further information regarding ongoing projects and potential opportunities for involvement in future endeavors, please reach out to the specialists affiliated with the Department of international projects and academic mobility at [email protected].