EDUSPACE project

Education Open Space for Students and Community

Programme “EU Support to Displaced Higher Education Institutions in the East of Ukraine”

Grant Agreement № 2020/414-557

The objective is to foster enhanced economic growth and social cohesion in the eastern region of Ukraine.


create an innovative educational environment for students, teachers and the community with appropriate modern infrastructure;

• reconstruct the educational building of MSU (Kyiv, 6 Preobrazhenska St.) and provide relocated higher education institutions with much-needed modern locations: Smart library, conference hall, training classrooms and sports halls, which will contribute to the efficient work of universities;

• ensure the access of displaced higher education students to the library, student club, sports halls, cafes, the Leadership Center, the Center for Environmental Education, the university of the third age, etc.;

• institutionalize and develop student self-government of relocated higher education institutions;

• create a Center for Environmental Education;

• develop and implement master's educational programs “Community Management” and “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”;

• align educational programs with the needs of the labor market and community demand;

• promote the development of public activity in the city and region, involving the local community in the development and promotion of EduSpace;

• strengthen inter-institutional cooperation between displaced and local institutions of higher education.


Predicted outcomes:

• improvement of institutional infrastructure through reconstruction and creation of 2,000 m² of educational space;

• a wide range of services and facilities (conference hall, classrooms, offices and centers) for individual development of students and fruitful teamwork;

• stable work and development of displaced higher education institutions;

• 10-15% increase in the number of students transferred from higher education institutions;

• formation of expert groups from external stakeholders to assess the educational programs of displaced higher education institutions, ensure quality and respond to the needs of the labor market and the community;

• development and opening of new master's programs “Community Management”, “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”;

• coordination with market needs and community expectations of 12 educational programs and their practical components;

• improving the image of the displaced HEIs and the loyalty of the local community to them;

• establishment of strong links between displaced HEIs and key stakeholders: local authorities, business and community.



• Mariupol State University,

• Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs,

• University of Genoa (Italy).