REDU project

Project EU «Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities» (REDU)

Programme EU Support to Displaced Higher Education Institutions in the East of Ukraine
Grant Agreement № 2020 / 415-429

The objective is to enhance the appeal and competitiveness of relocated universities through the following means:

• bolstering their institutional capabilities;

• fostering effective governance;

• enhancing teaching and learning;

• advancing internationalisation.

The primary aim is to enhance the physical facilities of relocated universities with the capacity to deliver high-quality education and encourage active community participation.

In order to enhance the institutional potential of the displaced universities, it is imperative to develop the capabilities of their administration, faculty, and students to more effectively confront the obstacles that these institutions, the surrounding communities, and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions encounter.

Inspire displaced universities to enhance their social responsibility by engaging the academic community in problem-solving pertaining to social, economic, environmental, cultural, and other pertinent issues.

Anticipated outcomes:

• An enhancement in the infrastructure of universities, thereby facilitating the integration of innovative teaching and management approaches founded on collaborative efforts.

• The enhanced proficiency of university personnel and pupils enables them to guarantee efficacious administration, elevate syllabi and academic progress, and fortify the process of globalisation.

• Universities implement current institutional development strategies and make them accessible to internal and external stakeholders.

• Modernization of educational programmes and their adaptation to contemporary challenges and the needs of local communities, enhancement of teaching and learning, establishment of effective governance, and development of internationalisation have all contributed to the improvement in the quality of higher education at universities.

• The staff and students' active participation and significant impact on the execution of institutional development strategies, the efficacy of university governance, the enhancement of teaching and learning, and the advancement of internationalisation.

• The project's results and expansion of the scope of activities foster greater collaboration between universities and local communities, thereby contributing to social and economic recovery.



• Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine – Project coordinator,

• Mariupol State University,

• Volodymyr Dal Eastern Ukrainian National University,

• British Council in Ukraine (until April 17, 2023).