Digital University – Open Ukrainian initiative (DigiUni)
“EU support for the development of higher education in Ukraine through Erasmus+CBHE” programme
Grant Agreement №
Grant amount of the Erasmus+ program (CBHE): 4,981,425.00 €
Project website https://digiuni.kspu.edu/
Using existing digital innovations in the field of education and a clear paradigm for attracting future innovations, the objective is to influence the chaotic processes of digital transformation in education by establishing an integrated digital educational ecosystem in Ukraine that ensures continuous, high quality, inclusive, and transparent education, irrespective of the location of the student or teacher.
• formulate a comprehensive digital educational ecosystem in Ukraine by developing a concept, strategy, and action plan that is both inclusive and conducive to state approval;
• construct and introduce DigiPlatform, an all-Ukrainian digital educational environment;
• establish DigiUni as a pilot organisational mechanism to facilitate the unification, transformation, and integration of interested institutions, including higher education establishments, in pursuit of a common goal; create DigiCentres in each Ukrainian HEI partner with the necessary software and equipment;
• develop the main content of DigiPlatform, in particular, a complete list of available digital courses and other digital materials of HEIs-partners from Ukraine with direct links to the digital resources of their university; place and/or create on the platform direct links to digital courses/resources of European partners, which they are ready to provide to the Ukrainian audience with the provided access;
• develop more than 100 new courses in various fields of knowledge, 20 of which involve the use of virtual and/or augmented reality and/or virtual/remote laboratories; build and/or create virtual and remote laboratories;
• localize the courses of more than 20 EU partners and publish them on DigiPlatform;
• create 20 separate educational modules and 30 micro-educational modules for non-university audiences;
• train 600 teachers as digital content facilitators, 30 as content administrators, 40 as content quality assessment specialists;
• provide training to at least 5,000 students in courses and more than 1,000 other trainees in educational modules using the DigiPlatform as part of the DigiUni pilot project;
• implement more than 20 examples of virtual mobility of students among Ukrainian higher education institutions - project partners.
• Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,
• National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,
• Sumy State University,
• Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University,
• Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
• Ukrainian Catholic University,
• National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,
• Kherson State University,
• Mariupol State University,
• Ivan Franko Lviv National University,
• Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
• Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine,
• Ukrainian Association of Information Technologies,
• National agency for quality assurance of higher education,
• Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU),
• Masaryk University,
• University of Cologne,
• Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
• University of Strasbourg,
• Leibniz University Hannover,
• University of Alicante,
Representative: Andriy Stoyka,
Project implementation coordinator at Mariupol State University
Tel.: +380 50 3266266 Email: [email protected]