Department of Marketing and Tourism

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037, Україна
[email protected] +380 50 1520186

In the contemporary landscape, marketing no longer requires additional advertising because the demand for specialists in the field is growing every year, and the number of vacancies for marketers and other specialists in this niche has already broken all records.

As for tourism, this sphere does not lose its attractiveness and remains the main budget-forming component for many countries worldwide. Real professionals in tourism are in great demand both in Ukraine and abroad.

The Department of Marketing and Tourism stands out favorably in the educational and informational markets of Ukraine. We specialize in training experts in the fields of tourism and marketing—fields that have confirmed their importance, sustainability, and competitiveness amid the challenges of recent years.

Educational programs for which the department conducts training
bachelor's degree
master's degree
learning and teaching
The Department positions itself as a structural unit applying a new philosophy of providing educational services. We transition from a system of obtaining only knowledge to a competence approach based on end-to-end interdisciplinary training, expanded practical training, and implementation of innovative approaches using the most modern tools and teaching aids.

The educational process at the department is based on the following principles:
· Flexibility and adaptation to labour market requirements
· Creativity and innovation in the educational process
· Professionalism and responsibility of teachers
· Internationalization of the educational process

An organic combination of traditional subject training and educational and training forms, taking into account the real conditions of modern enterprises.

A high level of professional training of students is ensured by mastering the basic knowledge of modern disciplines, covering the specifics and features of the functioning and development of tourism enterprises and marketing systems of modern enterprises and organizations.

The focus of the teaching staff is on the development, modernization, and implementation of competitive educational programs in accordance with the standards of higher education and the challenges of the modern labour market. There’s also a strong emphasis on developing relations with organizations that are potential employers and utilizing their resources to ensure the educational process.

The department’s educational programs are implemented by professionals with many years of experience in teaching professional disciplines, who undergo internships abroad and incorporate international practices into their courses. The staff of the department harmoniously combines scientists and practitioners working in leading domestic and international enterprises.

Educational and methodical work at the department is carried out as a holistic system of actions and measures aimed at ensuring the quality of professional training for students, improving the qualifications and professionalism of professors and teaching staff, and activating the creative potential of teachers and students.

Practical training of students is carried out at enterprises, institutions, and organizations with which relevant agreements have been concluded (including

foreign ones) and is aimed at connecting the educational process with the realities of modern business development as much as possible.

The acquisition of professional competences is ensured through the participation of students in various scientific and practical activities of the department, including trainings and the annual tourist flight of students and graduates of the specialty.

Graduates of the "Tourism" and "Marketing" specialties are capable of performing research, information-analytical, organizational-management, and administrative-economic work in various positions such as managers of tourist enterprises, institutions, and organizations; managers in travel agencies and travel bureaus; in hotels, restaurants, in the fields of culture, recreation, and sports; and as marketers of enterprises in any sphere of the economy and forms of ownership.
research activities
The scientific activity of the department aligns with the topics of the scientific research works, "Strategy for the Development of the Tourist and Recreational Potential of the Azov Region" (state registration number 0120U101065, 2020-2024), headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Balabanits A. V., and "Management of the development of socio-economic systems based on the marketing approach in the conditions of modern transformations" (state registration number 0122U001104, 2022-2026), led by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Balabanits A.V.

The main scientific directions of the department include research on current problems in the field of marketing activities, tourism, and hotel and restaurant business. This encompasses the assessment of prospects and priority directions for the development of tourist regions, studying the peculiarities of using marketing tools in the field of territorial development management, development of innovative projects and strategies for the development of tourist enterprises, and improvement of the methodological principles of managing socio-economic systems based on the marketing approach.

Every year, the department organizes and conducts the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference, "Modern Technologies of Management of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business." This event provides a platform for students, graduate students, and scientists from across the country to openly discuss and solve actual scientific and practical problems in the relevant branches of the economy.

The fruitful research activity of the teachers of the Department of Marketing and Tourism contributes not only to the accumulation of intellectual capital but also provides an opportunity to expand external relations, engage in partner networking, and be an active part of the modern scientific community.

The main results of the scientific research by the department’s teachers are reflected in monographs such as "Integrated Management of Marketing Interaction:
Imperatives, Methodology, Mechanisms" (2011), "Strategic Bases of Regulation of Migration Processes in the Conditions of Modern Transformation of the Economy of Ukraine" (2014), and "Management of Financial and Economic Security of the State and Ways to Prevent External and Internal Threats" (2020). Additionally, there are textbooks like "Interaction Management" (2014), "Technology Systems" (2018), and "Strategic Management" (2021), along with electronic training manuals: "Organization of the Hotel Industry" (2023), "Organization of Tourism" (2023), "Tour Operating" (2023), and "Marketing" (2023).

The publication activity of teachers is evident in professional publications and citations by the international scientific community, contributing to the improvement of the scientific rating position of Mariupol State University.

An important aspect of the department’s work is the management of the research activities of students who are winners and laureates in various competitions, including the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works, All-Ukrainian competition for qualifying works of students in the specialty "Tourism," the 5th All-Ukrainian student festival of exhibition technologies "Expo-Star," II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in natural, technical, and humanitarian sciences ("Tourism," "Hotel and restaurant business"), II round of the "Future of the Tourism Industry" competition, and II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Tourism."
international cooperation
In accordance with Mariupol State University’s strategic orientation on international cooperation, the department actively develops scientific and educational cooperation with various international institutions and organizations.

Lecturers from the department participate in projects such as "Revival of displaced universities: strengthening competitiveness, support of communities" (EUAID) and "Living Laboratory of Climate Justice" (СJLL). The department engages in international cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) (Lithuania) and participates in international mobility programs organized with the assistance of foreign partners in the Czech Republic (University of Ostrava), Great Britain (University of Hull), and Poland (University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University). The project "Innovative University and Leadership: Models of Academic Autonomy and the University in the Lifelong Education System."

Winners from the department actively participate in international scientific and communicative events. Notably, students took part in the summer school from the Erasmus+ project of Jean Monet (University of Genoa, Italy), as well as the Festival of European Culture at the University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland). For several years, students have been involved in the international project UCM – Progetto inclusione cucina Italiana – Euroest, providing them with the opportunity to complete a three-month international internship in the field of hotel business on the Adriatic coast of southern Italy during the summer vacation.

Lecturers of the department

Anzhelika Balabanyts
Anzhelika Balabanyts [email protected]

acting head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Academic profiles
Valentyna Tokareva
Valentyna Tokareva [email protected]

professor of Marketing & Tourism Department, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor

Academic profiles
Andriy Stoyka
Andriy Stoyka [email protected]

Professor of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor

Academic profiles
Olena Chupryna
Olena Chupryna [email protected]

professor of Marketing & Tourism Department, Doctor of Science in Economics

Academic profiles
Inna Arakelova
Inna Arakelova [email protected]

Associate Professor of Marketing & Tourism Department

Academic profiles
Olena Ribeiro Ramos
Olena Ribeiro Ramos [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Marketing &Tourism, Associate Professor of Department of Marketing &Tourism, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Kateryna Horiunova
Kateryna Horiunova [email protected]

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, PhD in Management

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

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