Educational program «Tourism»
Want to explore the world and share it with others?! This Program is perfect for you!
You’ll gain insight into every detail of the tourism industry and experience firsthand the inner workings of travel agencies.
This isn’t just about basic knowledge and theory – you’ll engage in active, hands-on training with top tourism businesses in Ukraine and abroad.
Your professional skills will encompass foreign languages, tourism marketing, fundamentals of tourism studies, restaurant and hotel management, event management, and the organization of guided tours, among others. Social skills will be enhanced through improved communication, critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines.

About programe
Викладачі кафедри підготували електронні навчальні посібники, що будуть завжди під рукою.
Завантажуй на смартфон, планшет, ноутбук або комп'ютер та вивчай курси у зручному форматі!
Normative disciplines
Students enrolled in the educational program "Tourism" during their studies have the opportunity to choose 25% of disciplines from the catalog of elective courses