Department of Ukrainian Philology

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected]

Since 1994, the achievements of the teachers at the Department of Ukrainian Philology of Mariupol State University have been integrated into the practice of teaching professional training disciplines. They are applied during practical classes, in organizing scientific research work for teachers and students, fostering cooperation between the university and institutions of general secondary education, as well as higher education institutions in Mariupol, across Ukraine, and in arranging training, retraining, and skill improvement in the Ukrainian language for citizens of various ages and professional categories (applicants, teachers, civil servants, local government representatives, law enforcement officers).

learning and teaching
The department trains qualified specialists in the field of school education and language teaching. One of the key competencies of the New Ukrainian School is communication in the state language. This involves the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts, and views orally and in writing, as well as the ability to respond to language means for the full spectrum of social and cultural phenomena. It also trains specialists in Ukrainian philology who can edit texts of various styles and genres, work with documentation, and communicate proficiently in the state language.

Students actively participate in scientific research, presenting their work at student scientific conferences and conferences for young scientists. They also publish the results of their own scientific research on Ukrainian philology and methods of teaching philological disciplines in publications of various levels, including professional ones. A student scientific society operates on the basis of the Center for

Ukrainian Studies, securing the third place in the MSU scientific societies contest in 2022.

To provide high-quality educational services and ensure the employment of graduates, the Department of Ukrainian Philology maintains close contact with employers, engaging practitioners in conducting classes. Participants in the educational process also have the opportunity to study, do internships, and conduct scientific activities at foreign institutions of higher education through numerous academic mobility programs offered by Mariupol State University.
research activities
The teaching staff at the Department of Ukrainian Philology participate in research work in accordance with the complex topic of scientific research, "Actual problems of Ukrainian literary studies, linguistics, and linguistic didactics" (state registration number 0123U100573, completion date: 2023-2026). Priority research directions in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, and language didactics include:

In pedagogy: theoretical and methodological foundations of general secondary education, theory and methods of school education, and innovative technologies for the development of the educational sphere.

In linguistics: dynamics of the Ukrainian language from the 11th to the beginning of the 21st centuries, dynamics of the structure and functioning of the literary language in the beginning of the 21st century.

In literary studies: the development of Ukrainian literature from the 10th to the early 21st centuries in Ukraine and in the European context.

Issues in research cover:

In pedagogy: innovative technologies for teaching separate sections of linguistics (syntax) and literary studies (small epic forms). Also, the introduction of innovative technologies in the process of studying Ukrainian literature by children with special educational needs.

In linguistics: trends in the development of Ukrainian vocabulary at the current stage and the functioning of modern Eastern steppe dialects in the settlements of Southern Donetsk region.

In literary studies: the development of children’s literature at the modern stage, state formation in literature, the peculiarities of creating a mythological picture of the world in modern poetry, the development of dramatic art, emigration drama, drama of the absurd, modern biographical drama, and tendencies of emigration literary criticism.

The department has organized the International Internet Conference "Modern Slavic Studies: Main Directions and Prospects of Research" jointly with the Department of Applied Philology from 2018 to 2021. The conference discussed various topics such

as the interaction of Slavic languages, translation problems, the dynamics of the development of Slavic languages, theoretical and practical problems of studying Slavic literatures, mythology, and folklore in modern Slavic studies, and methods of teaching Slavic languages and literatures in educational institutions.

Means and forms of implementing the results of the department’s research work include:

Publication of scientific and methodological products (monographs, articles, theses, reports).

Presentations of research results at scientific and scientific-practical conferences of various levels.

Scientific and methodological support of educational programs, including curriculum, lecture notes, teaching educational and methodological manuals, complexes of educational and methodological support.

Implementation of the latest methods of teaching Ukrainian language and literature in secondary education institutions.
international cooperation
University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

Sofia University "St. Kliment of Ohrid" (Bulgaria)

Public organization "Διοτιμα" (Greece)

Lecturers of the department

Olena Yevmenenko
Olena Yevmenenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Iryna Melnychuk
Iryna Melnychuk [email protected]

Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Mass Communications, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Viktor Dvoriankin
Viktor Dvoriankin [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian Philology

Academic profiles
Mariia Konovalova
Mariia Konovalova [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Ukrainian Philology Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate рrofessor of Ukrainian Philology Department

Academic profiles
Mariia Nikolchenko
Mariia Nikolchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Академічне письмо Академічне письмо Академічне письмо (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Академічне письмо (ОП «Публічне управління та адміністрування») Академічне письмо (ОП «Управління персоналом та економіка праці») Вступ до літературознавства Вступ до мовознавства Вступ до мовознавства (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Дискурс сучасної української літератури Дитяча література з основами техніки й культури мовлення Діалектологія української мови Ділова українська мова Історична і документальна література як трансформація історії Історія зарубіжної літератури Історія зарубіжної літератури Історія української літератури Історія української літератури Історія української літературної критики Комунікативна лінгвістика Коректорський практикум з української мови Лінгвістика тексту Літературне редагування: практикум Методика викладання філологічних дисциплін у вищій школі Методика навчання літератури у закладах середньої освіти Методологія та організація наукових досліджень Міжкультурна комунікація Основи теорії вірша Правописний практикум з української мови з методикою викладання Принципи аналізу художнього твору Психолінгвістика Соціолінгвістика Старослов`янська мова Стилістика і культура мови Сучасна українська літературна мова Сучасні технології навчання мовленнєвої діяльності в іншомовній аудиторії Теорія і практика перекладу Теорія літератури Українська мова з методикою формування компетентностей в мовно-літературній освітній галузі Усна народна творчість
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