bachelor's degree

Educational program «Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign Literature»

Програма спрямована на розвиток професійних компетентностей, необхідних для здійснення педагогічної діяльності у закладах загальної середньої освіти. Її обирають ті, хто прагне навчати дітей шкільного віку українській мові та літературі, зарубіжній літературі. Крім того, освітня програма дозволяє випускникам отримати спеціалізацію «Викладання української мови як іноземної».

Умови вступу Дізнайтесь правила прийому на освітню програму "Середня освіта. Українська мова і література, зарубіжна література"
Mariia Nikolchenko
Mariia Nikolchenko [email protected] Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign Literature

Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign Literature

Profile of the educational program «Secondary Education. Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign Literature»
tuition fees for full-time education
29068 ₴/year
tuition fees for part-time education
22605 ₴/year
there is an opportunity to study on a budget form of education
Умови вступу Дізнайтесь правила прийому на освітню програму "Середня освіта. Українська мова і література, зарубіжна література"
Availability of accreditation
Міністерство освіти і науки України НД №0596530
View the certificate
The purpose of the program
Program features
Employment and continuing education
Learning style and methods
Program competencies
Program learning outcomes

Teachers of the educational program

Oksana Holiuk
Oksana Holiuk [email protected]

Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Igor Gudyma
Igor Gudyma [email protected]

Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Viktor Dvoriankin
Viktor Dvoriankin [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian Philology

Academic profiles
Olha Demidko
Olha Demidko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Cultural Studies Department, Phd in Historical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Academic profiles
Lenina Zadorozhna-Kniahnytska
Lenina Zadorozhna-Kniahnytska [email protected]

dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Заслужений працівник освіти України

Academic profiles
Yuliia Zolotko
Yuliia Zolotko [email protected]

Senior Lecturer of the English Philology Department

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Ivanova
Viktoriia Ivanova [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, associate professor

Academic profiles
Mariia Konovalova
Mariia Konovalova [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Ukrainian Philology Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate рrofessor of Ukrainian Philology Department

Academic profiles
Iryna Melnychuk
Iryna Melnychuk [email protected]

Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Mass Communications, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Maryna Netreba
Maryna Netreba [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education, Candidate of Philology Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Mariia Nikolchenko
Mariia Nikolchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Academic profiles
Anastasiia Trofymenko
Anastasiia Trofymenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
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