Department of Management and Finance

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected]

The Department of Management and Finance was established on November 1, 2022, through the amalgamation of the departments of general management, industry management, finance, and accounting. These departments had been functioning under the umbrella of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Management at Mariupol University since 2004. The consolidated department is responsible for training specialists in the fields of direction 073, encompassing "Management," "Finance, Banking, and Insurance," and "Accounting and Taxation."

The primary objective of the department is to cultivate highly qualified professionals: managers, financiers, and experts in banking, insurance, accounting, and taxation. These professionals should be proactive and adept at swift adaptation to the demands of the modern business environment.

The competitive edge of the department’s educational programs ensures that students achieve specific program learning outcomes, including:
· The opportunity to study disciplines in English.
· Involvement of business environment representatives and practitioners with extensive experience in management positions in the training process
· Access to international programs of academic mobility (such as parallel study or internships in Higher Education Institutions of EU countries) and other educational and scientific projects.
· Support in employment at partner enterprises of the university and potential employers.

The primary focus of the Department of Management and Finance is the formation and development of student science. Graduates engage in research work within the scientific interests of the department. This involves researching current problems in management and marketing management of enterprises, assessing prospects and priority directions for the development of systems managing the financial and economic security of the state, and addressing issues in financial and accounting activities.

learning and teaching
The Department of Management and Finance offers training at three educational levels and several specialties:

First (bachelor’s) level: 071 "Accounting and Taxation," 072 "Finance, Banking, and Insurance," and 073 "Management."

Second (master’s) level: 071 "Accounting and Taxation," 072 "Finance, Banking, and Insurance," 073 "Management of organization and administration," and "Management. Management of Financial and Economic Security."

Third (educational and scientific) level: 073 "Management."

Students have the flexibility to choose elective disciplines from catalogues covering various subjects in the cycle of general and practical training. This approach contributes to the formation of soft skills. The department adopts a student-centered approach, involving both applicants and stakeholders in the formation of educational programs. Practicing specialists from various fields actively participate in teaching disciplines, allowing students to combine theoretical learning with practical experience.

The overarching mission of the department is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to become highly qualified specialists — proactive managers, financiers, and experts in banking, insurance, accounting, and taxation, capable of swift adaptation to the demands of the modern business environment.
research activities
The faculty members of the department are actively engaged in the publication of educational and methodological literature. They have authored numerous individual and collaborative scientific monographs and over 100 scientific works in specialized publications both in Ukraine and internationally. Notably, these include publications in periodicals indexed in scientometric databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, Index Copernicus International, and others. Over the recent years, the department has produced no fewer than 100 scientific products, reflecting their sustained and fruitful research efforts.

Currently, the Department of Management and Finance is involved in the development of two comprehensive scientific topics. The first is the interdepartmental complex scientific topic titled "Strategy for the Development of Tourism and Recreational Potential of the Azov Region" (registration number 0120U101065, dated February 26, 2020). Professor Anzhelika Volodymyrivna Balabanyts, a Doctor of Economic Sciences, leads this complex scientific topic. The second topic is "Modern Directions and Mechanisms of Development of Innovative and Foreign Economic Activity at Different Levels of Management," led by Olena Georgiivna Tkachenko, Doctor of Economics and Associate Professor.

In 2023, the department successfully underwent accreditation for the third level of education (Doctor of Philosophy) in the ONP Management and enrolled graduate students at this level. The department also operates a scientific school of management, with Professor V. Ya. Omelchenko at the helm. The main scientific directions of the school include the research of current problems in the management and marketing of enterprises, particularly in the fields of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, the assessment of prospects, and priority directions for the development of systems managing the financial and economic security of the state. The scientific endeavors of the teachers and students in "Management" specialties focus on researching problems related to managing innovation and investment development, the competitiveness of enterprises and the national economy, improving the state administration system under decentralization, and the development of local self-government. They also delve into the implementation of strategic decisions in enterprise and organizational management, considering global challenges, as well as the development and management of integration processes and investment projects.
international cooperation
Teachers and students from the Department of Management and Finance actively participate in various Erasmus+ international mobility programs. Additionally, faculty members regularly undergo advanced training, participating in programs such as:
· "Innovative Educational Technologies: European Experience and Its Implementation in Training Specialists in Economics and Management" (University of Business and Entrepreneurship, Ostrowiec, Poland).
· The REDU project, a program for improving the qualifications of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers (EU-funded project "Reinventing Displaced Universities: Enhancing Competitiveness, Serving Communities").
· Internship at the consulting firm "Reinoha – consulting" (Czech Republic, Brno) under the program "International Trade in the Context of VAT and Customs Rules Using Incoterms 2010 and the Intrastat System."
· Participation in the USAID project "Economic Support of Ukraine" in partnership with "FreeUA-Creative Space," specifically in the online course "Financial Literacy."
· Postdoctoral research internship at the University of Silesia in Katowice within the framework of the project of the Polish Agency for International Exchanges "All for One."

Moreover, teachers from the department actively contribute to international scientific and communicative events organized with the assistance of foreign donors.

Lecturers of the department

Maryna Horbashevska
Maryna Horbashevska [email protected]

Associate Professor of Management and Finance Department, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Volodymyr Omelchenko
Volodymyr Omelchenko [email protected]

Professor of Department of Management & Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Academic profiles
Larysa Shaulska
Larysa Shaulska [email protected]

Professor of Department of Management & Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Koverza
Viktoriia Koverza [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Management & Finance Department, PhD of Science in Economics, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Liudmyla Kyslova
Liudmyla Kyslova [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Management & Finance, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Matsuka
Viktoriia Matsuka [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Management & Finance Department, PhD in Economics, Associate рrofessor

Academic profiles
Olena Suzdalieva
Olena Suzdalieva [email protected]

associate professor of Management & Finance Department, PhD in Public Administration, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Olena Tkachenko
Olena Tkachenko [email protected]

associate professor of Department of Manage ment & Finance, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Lyubov Shevchenko
Lyubov Shevchenko [email protected]

Associate professor of Department of Management & Finance, PhD in Economics, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Maryna Shendryhorenko
Maryna Shendryhorenko [email protected]

Associate professor of Department of Management & Finance, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Академічне письмо Аналіз господарської діяльності Аудит Аудит, ревізія і контроль Банківський та страховий менеджмент Бухгалтерський облік (загальна теорія) Бюджетна система Бюджетний менеджмент Вступ до фаху Гроші та кредит Державне та регіональне управління Економіка і фінанси підприємства Інвестиційний менеджмент Інноваційні технології в туризмі Комп'ютерний практикум (за професійним спрямуванням) Комп'ютерний практикум з фінансів, банкіської справи та страхування Комунікативний менеджмент Концепти менеджменту економічного розвитку та безпеки Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність Логістика Маркетинг Менеджмент Менеджмент IT проєктів Менеджмент невиробничої сфери Менеджмент організації Методологія наукової діяльності Методологія та організація наукових досліджень Митна справа Міжнародне оподаткування Міжнародні стандарти аудиту і податкове консультування Моніторинг і діагностика економічної кон'юнктури в менеджменті Облік і аналіз ЗЕД Облік і аудит Облік і звітність в оподаткуванні Обліково-фінансове забезпечення стратегічного консалтингу Операційний менеджмент Організація бухгалтерського обліку Організація бухгалтерського обліку і контролю в управлінні підприємством Організація і методика аудиту Організація та управління системою фінансово-економічної безпеки Основи бухгалтерського обліку Основи підприємництва Податкова система Податковий менеджмент Прийняття рішень в умовах ризику Проєктний менеджмент Професійні стандарти діяльності бухгалтера та аудитора Ревізія і контроль Ринок фінансових послуг Самоменеджмент Стратегічне управління Стратегічний аналіз в управлінні Стратегічний управлінський облік Сучасні технології в менеджменті Теоретико-методологічні засади менеджменту Теорія безпеки соціальних систем Теорія організації Туризмологія Управління економічними ризиками Управління електронною комерцією Управління інноваціями Управління проєктами в маркетингу Управління проєктами у туризмі Управління розвитком підприємств Управління фінансово-економічною діяльністю закладу освіти Управління фінансовою санацією підприємства Управління якістю Управлінський облік Фінанси Фінанси, гроші та кредит Фінансова звітність Фінансове планування та прогнозування Фінансовий аналіз Фінансовий контролінг Фінансовий менеджмент Фінансовий облік Фінансовий ринок Фінансові інновації Фінансові інструменти Фінансово-кредитний механізм ЗЕД Цифрові стратегії ринку
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