bachelor's degree

Educational program «Business Accounting and Taxation»

Програма спрямована на підготовку фахівців у сфері обліково-аналітичної, контрольно-аудиторської та податкової діяльності з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій ринку праці.

Обирають її ті, хто бажає стати висококваліфікованим, конкурентоспроможним фахівцем з обліку і оподаткування, який вміє застосовувати набуті знання для розв’язання складних спеціалізованих завдань у сфері обліку, аналізу, контролю, аудиту, оподаткування, а також володіє управлінськими інструментами здійснення професійної діяльності, навичками комунікації та командної роботи.

Умови вступу Дізнайтесь більше про умови вступу на програму «Облік і оподаткування»
Maryna Shendryhorenko
Maryna Shendryhorenko [email protected] Business Accounting and Taxation

Business Accounting and Taxation

Profile of the educational program «Business Accounting and Taxation»
tuition fees for full-time education
41993 ₴/year
tuition fees for part-time education
32375 ₴/year
there is an opportunity to study on a budget form of education
Умови вступу Дізнайтесь більше про умови вступу на програму «Облік і оподаткування»
Doloremque amet consequuntur.
Maiores soluta.
Fuga non.
Quos ullam et.
Availability of accreditation
Сертифікат серія НД-ІV № 0579102
View the certificate
The purpose of the program
Quos et magnam.
Voluptatem in quod fugit eligendi doloremque sint et hic commodi mollitia non non necessitatibus doloribus cum sint atque et aut.
Repudiandae voluptas.
Ut dolorem et dolorem quasi non amet possimus deleniti aut harum sed incidunt.
Program features
Distinctio dolor odio.
Est asperiores sit vitae rerum eum aut aliquid nostrum deleniti ut tempora possimus voluptas eum quasi magnam illum beatae exercitationem minus quae voluptas temporibus sed quo qui.
Ratione ut consequatur.
Sint animi adipisci ipsum inventore in inventore et minima unde autem repudiandae non.
Employment and continuing education
Qui mollitia sint.
Libero inventore quibusdam voluptatibus sit perferendis perspiciatis est molestiae eos consectetur incidunt aut id ab nulla quis iure modi velit cupiditate omnis aut.
Culpa repellat cum.
Et ratione ut natus non repudiandae sapiente sit quisquam ea eum magnam illo sit cupiditate nulla explicabo et.
Learning style and methods
Enim a.
Molestiae est distinctio corrupti ut perferendis aut unde cum pariatur totam architecto culpa nesciunt quis vero et consectetur illo rem sed qui ut.
Ex quas.
Natus assumenda dolorem odit sint iusto et veritatis eos et delectus dolore voluptas explicabo quo sit debitis.
Program competencies
Quis voluptas unde.
Voluptatem doloremque et dolor quam rerum quia consequatur in non est nisi voluptate ea veniam nobis quis ut in magni illo.
Autem esse.
Distinctio non odio dolores vel est labore dolorem aliquid excepturi cum impedit tempore rerum et et sit sit adipisci.
Program learning outcomes
Adipisci laborum est.
Libero dolor corrupti ut quia nostrum inventore placeat ut et in quidem quae quam aut ut numquam sint blanditiis velit.
Voluptas ullam ut.
Laboriosam voluptas est voluptates in facilis reprehenderit consequatur omnis maxime voluptas incidunt occaecati velit facilis doloribus culpa ipsa consequatur non dolorem.

Normative disciplines

Students enrolled in the educational program "Business Accounting and Taxation" during their studies have the opportunity to choose 25% of disciplines from the catalog of elective courses

Teachers of the educational program

Igor Gudyma
Igor Gudyma [email protected]

Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Yuliia Zolotko
Yuliia Zolotko [email protected]

Senior Lecturer of the English Philology Department

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Ivanova
Viktoriia Ivanova [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, associate professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Koverza
Viktoriia Koverza [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Management & Finance Department, PhD of Science in Economics, Associate professor, Ph.D, associate professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Matsuka
Viktoriia Matsuka [email protected]

Associate рrofessor of Management & Finance Department, PhD in Economics, Associate рrofessor

Academic profiles
Khrystyna Mitiushkina
Khrystyna Mitiushkina [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Mariia Nikolchenko
Mariia Nikolchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Academic profiles
Hanna Omelchenko
Hanna Omelchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Economics and International Economic Relations Department, Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Olena Suzdalieva
Olena Suzdalieva [email protected]

associate professor of Management & Finance Department, PhD in Public Administration, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Diana Shebanits
Diana Shebanits [email protected]

associate professor of the Department of Low, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Lyubov Shevchenko
Lyubov Shevchenko [email protected]

Associate professor of Department of Management & Finance, PhD in Economics, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Maryna Shendryhorenko
Maryna Shendryhorenko [email protected]

Associate professor of Department of Management & Finance, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor

Academic profiles
Natalia Shypik
Natalia Shypik [email protected]

associate professor of department of history and archeology, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
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