Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected]

Global climate change, the official recognition of our state as a "zone of ecological disaster", high levels of environmental pollution and irrational use of natural resources, the gradual worsening of the ecological situation in the eastern region of Ukraine due to urban and technogenic pressure on the natural environment, have created an internal demand within Ukrainian society for reliable environmental knowledge and the formation of an ecological culture among the population. As a response to these challenges, Mariupol State University initiated the creation of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection to train qualified environmental specialists.

The department has sufficient personnel, educational and methodological support to provide training for specialists in the field of Ecology at the first and second educational levels.

The main task of the department is to prepare specialists who can solve current problems in the field of ecology, identify sources and ways of harmful components entering the natural environment, evaluate their impact on human health and the quality of natural objects, as well as develop plans for nature conservation measures and make ecological forecasts.

Educational programs for which the department conducts training
studying and teaching
An important direction of the department’s activities is environmental education for young people. The organizational, educational, scientific and methodical work of the department is always aimed at strengthening and developing the best scientific and pedagogical traditions of MSU. The aims of these activities are to prepare specialists in environmental education of a new generation who not only possess the necessary skills and qualities that contribute to the development of professionalism but also have a clearly defined humanistic value orientation.

The key direction of the department’s work is guiding scientific research of the students. Members of the student scientific society are winners and laureates of the II stage of the all-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in the field of "Ecology and Environmental Safety" (PNTU named after Yu. Kondratyuk, Poltava, 2017-2020); participants in the II stage of the all-Ukrainian student Olympiad in the economics of natural resource management (LNAU, Lviv, 2018), participants in international competitions, including the International Competition of Student Scientific Works "Black Sea Science" (2019), the International Competition of Student Scientific Works in the specialty "Ecology" (KNU named after M. Ostrogradsky, Kremenchuk, 2019); participants in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.

To master field research methods in ecology, the department organizes and conducts excursions and practical classes at industrial facilities, landscape elements, and ecological laboratories.

In order to increase environmental awareness among communities, the department (teachers together with students) organizes different events for World Recycling Day in partnership with the All-Ukrainian Youth Movement "Let’s do it Ukraine"; they cooperate with the charitable foundation Caritas, with the USAID project "Hoverla", participate in environmental congresses.
scientific activity
During the period from 2012 to 2013, the teachers participated in research work carried out under the comprehensive scientific theme "Formation of an ecological and legal mechanism for reducing anthropogenic pressure in the south-eastern region of Ukraine in the context of reproducing artificial forests". Within the framework of the scientific theme, the ecological and legal mechanism for reducing anthropogenic pressure in the south-eastern region of Ukraine was improved in the context of expanding the reproduction of artificial forest ecosystems.

From 2016 to 2018, the department conducted the research on the topic "Formation of mechanisms for balanced nature management and environmental protection in the context of implementing environmental policy". Within the framework of the scientific theme, the mechanism for balanced nature management and environmental protection was improved in the context of implementing sustainable development environmental policy.

Since 2020, a new research topic "Formation of a mechanism for ensuring ecosystems in conditions of sustainable development" has been opened at the department. The expected results are the deepening of theoretical positions regarding the formation of a mechanism for ecosystem safety taking into account the goals of sustainable development. The practical significance of research is to improve the mechanism for increasing the safety of regional ecosystems in the paradigm of sustainable development.

The vectors of scientific activity of teachers and students of the department cover modern problems of anthropogenic pressure, monitoring changes in the state of elements of ecosystems, problems of ecological economics and formation of an effective mechanism for nature management, improvement of environmental policy in the context of sustainable development, etc.

Since 2016, the department has been organizing an annual all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference for students, post-graduate students, and young scientists "Ecology, Nature Management, and Environmental Protection: Applied Aspects", the number of participants of which is constantly growing.
international cooperation
The department actively cooperates with industrial enterprises, governmental and non-governmental organizations of the city, and the community. Thus, the teachers participated in the discussion of the project "Global Goals for Sustainable Development: Prospects for Mariupol" (September 2016), prepared proposals for the Strategy for the development of the city "Mariupol-2021"; are members of the working group on the development of the Strategy for the development of Mariupol 2030 in the direction of "Clean Environment"; are members of the permanent commission on state monitoring in the field of air protection and management of air quality in the Mariupol district.

Partners of the department (governmental organizations, institutions, enterprises, educational institutions):

Environmental Protection Department of PJSC "MMK named after Ilyich"
Department of State Supervision of Compliance with Sanitary Legislation in Donetsk Oblast
Department of Ecology, Energy Management and Labour Protection of Mariupol City Council
Mariupol Municipal Green Construction Enterprise
Mariupol Hydrometeorological Observatory
KP "Solid Waste Landfill"
Ukrainian Steppe Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
V. Getman Kyiv National Economic University
Donetsk State University of Management
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
Lviv National Agrarian University
Pryazovsky State Technical University
Mariupol City Branch of Donetsk Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "Azovstal"
Ukrainian Steppe Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Kamyanі Mohily"
All-Ukrainian Youth Movement "Let’s do it Ukraine"
Regional Landscape Park "Kramatorsk"

Open University of Israel
Belts State University named after Aleko Russo (Republic of Moldova)
University of Porto (Portugal)
University of Warsaw (Poland)
National Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Lecturers of the department

Khrystyna Mitiushkina
Khrystyna Mitiushkina [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Ivanova
Viktoriia Ivanova [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, associate professor

Academic profiles
Olena Pasternak
Olena Pasternak [email protected]

associate professor, PhD in Chemistry

Academic profiles
Iryna Petryk
Iryna Petryk [email protected]

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, Doctor of Philosophy of Economic Sciences

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Zelenska
Viktoriia Zelenska [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Аналіз якості навколишнього середовища Безпека життєдіяльності Безпека життєдіяльності Безпека життєдіяльності Безпека життєдіяльності (ОП «Кібербезпека») Безпека життєдіяльності (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії») Безпека життєдіяльності (ОП «Публічне управління та адміністрування») Біологія Вступ до фаху (за професійним спрямуванням) Екологічна безпека Екологічна політика Екологічна стандартизація, сертифікація та метрологія Екологічний менеджмент та аудит Економіка природокористування Екосистеми малих річок України Загальна екологія та неоекологія Заповідна справа Інноваційне підприємництво та управління стартап проєктами Метеорологія та кліматологія Моделювання та прогнозування стану довкілля Моніторинг довкілля Основи збалансованого природокористування Основи охорони праці Регіональна економіка Стратегія сталого розвитку Техноекологія Управління та поводження з відходами Урбоекологія Хімія з основами біогеохімії
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