bachelor's degree

Educational program «Ecology, Environment Protection and Sustainable Nature Management»

Вибір професії – це перший крок до того, щоб стати архітектором майбутнього. Не втрать свій шанс стати частиною майбутнього, де природа і людина живуть у гармонії.

Сучасний світ стоїть перед низкою глобальних проблем, пов'язаних із забрудненням довкілля, втратою біорізноманіття та виснаженням природних ресурсів. Ви, як майбутні фахівці з екології, матимете можливість зробити свій внесок у розв'язання цих проблем та створити суспільство сталого розвитку.

Olena Pasternak
Olena Pasternak [email protected] Ecology, Environment Protection and Sustainable Nature Management

Ecology, Environment Protection and Sustainable Nature Management

Profile of the educational program «Ecology, Environment Protection and Sustainable Nature Management»
tuition fees for full-time education
29068 ₴/year
tuition fees for part-time education
22605 ₴/year
there is an opportunity to study on a budget form of education
Availability of accreditation
Національне агентство із забезпечення якості освіти Сертифікат №1856
View the certificate
The purpose of the program
Program features)
Employment and continuing education
Learning style and methods
Program competencies
Program learning outcomes

Teachers of the educational program

Viktoriia Zelenska
Viktoriia Zelenska [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Ivanova
Viktoriia Ivanova [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, associate professor

Academic profiles
Yuliia Koveino
Yuliia Koveino [email protected]

Associate Professor at the Department of Law; PhD in Law, PhD in Law

Academic profiles
Hanna Martyniuk
Hanna Martyniuk [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of System Analisys and Information Technologies, Philosophy Doctor, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Khrystyna Mitiushkina
Khrystyna Mitiushkina [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Mariia Nikolchenko
Mariia Nikolchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Кандидат філологічних наук, Доцент

Academic profiles
Hanna Omelchenko
Hanna Omelchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Economics and International Economic Relations Department, Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Olena Pasternak
Olena Pasternak [email protected]

associate professor, PhD in Chemistry

Academic profiles
Iryna Petryk
Iryna Petryk [email protected]

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Rational Nature Management and Environmental Protection, Doctor of Philosophy of Economic Sciences

Academic profiles
Anastasiia Trofymenko
Anastasiia Trofymenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Natalia Shypik
Natalia Shypik [email protected]

associate professor of department of history and archeology, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
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