Department of Labour Economics

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037, України
[email protected] +380633638519

The department operates as part of the Economic and Law Faculty of MSU since November 1, 2022. Its goal is to provide training for new generation of professionals in the field of economics, whose quality characteristics meet the requirements of the modern competitive labour market.

The Department of Labour Economics trains specialists in the areas of human resource management at different levels. When developing educational programs and forming their educational components, the experience of leading local and foreign educational institutions is taken into consideration.

Teaching is carried out using innovative approaches and interactive educational technologies based on a combination of lectures, seminars (practical classes), self-study work of students, consultations. Great attention is paid to participation in conferences, meetings, scientific projects to obtain not only new general and professional knowledge, but also to improve practical skills of interpersonal interaction.

Educational programs for which the department conducts training
studying and teaching
The department implements the best practice of providing of quality of higher education according to the demands of labour market to form the competencies for the specialists in personnel management and labour economics.

The comprehensive learning process is oriented on highlighting issues of labour resources, organization of labour, human resource management at all levels. It helps to form relevant knowledge and skills, analytical and critical thinking abilities as the basis for making and implementing optimal decisions in the field of personnel management and labour economics.

Educational disciplines taught at the department are the basis for students to acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in their professional direction.

The teaching staff of the department has accumulated leading practices in innovative and interactive teaching methods aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of the educational proces visualization tools, modern information and communication technologies, as well as providing feedback, updating educational topics, etc.

We provide the educational process with the necessary educational and methodological literature for conducting lectures and seminars, writing term and qualification papers, taking practice, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of a student-centred approach in education in the specialty "Economics", the Department of Labour Economics provides the students with the right to form individual educational trajectories in MSU using elective disciplines.
scientific activity
The main directions of the department’s scientific work include:
1. Development of the scientific topic 0122U201429 (2022-2025) "World labour market in the conditions of global transformations of economic development".
2. Publication of monographs and scientific manuals based on the results of the scientific school’s work on international labour market issues, as well as conducting research dedicated to modern problems of human resource management.
3. Holding annual conferences and round tables dedicated to issues of labour market regulation, social economics, and policy.
4. Training of postgraduates and doctoral students.

Continuous cooperation is maintained with research institutions, higher education institutions, and stakeholder partners, which involves joint review and presentation of articles in Ukrainian and foreign scientific journals, publication of educational and methodological materials for our courses, exchange of teaching staff for short-term lecture courses, participation in examination commissions, joint work on scientific schools, etc.

Collaboration with stakeholder partners has been established to ensure the focus of the teaching process on solving practical tasks of labour market regulation and meeting the economy’s needs for human resources.

One of our priority is the development of student science. The research activities of students are related to current problems of functioning of the social and economic sphere.
international cooperation
In order to conduct scientific researches and practical issues related to the training of highly qualified professionals in accordance with the labour market’s needs, cooperation has been established with foreign partners:
- Faculty of Economics and Management at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
- Company "PriceFormer Europe" (Germany)
- Retirement Partners (USA)

Lecturers of the department

Svitlana Kalinina
Svitlana Kalinina [email protected]

Head of Labour Economic Department, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Academic profiles
Svitlana Lanska
Svitlana Lanska [email protected]

assistant professor of Labor Economics Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Academic profiles
Valeriia Podunai
Valeriia Podunai [email protected]

associate professor of Labor Economics Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Klavdiia Takhtarova
Klavdiia Takhtarova [email protected]

assistant professor of Labor Economics Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Academic profiles
Ольга Лелюк
Ольга Лелюк [email protected]

старший викладач кафедри економіки праці, кандидат економічних наук

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

HR менеджмент та технології лідерства Академічне письмо Візуалізація результатів наукових досліджень Вступ до спеціальності Глобалізаційні процеси в системі світового ринку праці Державне регулювання зайнятості Економіка праці та соціально-трудові відносини Економіка соціально-трудових відносин Економічна теорія праці Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології в системі безперервного професійного розвитку Кадрове діловодство та аудит персоналу Кар'єрний менеджмент Корпоративна культура і комплаєнс Міжнародна економіка Міжнародні міграційні процеси Організація та нормування праці Охорона праці та трудове право Ринок праці Соціальна політика Статистика Стратегії управління персоналом Технології розвитку персоналу Управління персоналом Фізіологія та психологія праці Цифрові трансформації трудоресурсного забезпечення економіки

selective disciplines

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