Mariupol State University lecturers adopted German experience in digitalisation under DigiUni project

Academic staff from Mariupol State University - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Tetyana Marena and Professor of the Department of Marketing and Tourism Andriy Stoyka - travelled to Germany to take part in a training workshop under the Digital University - Open Ukrainian Initiative (DigiUni) project.

From 21 to 25 July, representatives of Mariupol State University, with other Ukrainian lecturers, expanded their knowledge of open science, digitalisation and the transformation of teaching approaches at Leibniz University of Hannover.

According to the workshop programme, each day was focused on a specific topic. Specialists of the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology shared open resources for educational and scientific findings, research, distance teaching, and platforms that can be used to manage the electronic environment.

The examples of software product integrations used in Germany were shown to us. One of them works on the principle of organising learning, like our Moodle platform, while the other is something like a student personal account. There was also a case study on recording the progress of an applicant and student trajectory – all the things Dean's Office software is currently taking care of. It was useful to hear colleagues’ thoughts and suggestions on how all this can be appropriately integrated to exchange data between platforms,

– says Andrey Stoyka, Professor at Mariupol State University.

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