On the way to a dream: in the USA rector of Mariupol State University reported about the experience of international cooperation with Baltic countries

Hundreds of scientists and educators from around the globe, devoted to studying Baltic Sea peoples and lands, were united by a large-scale biennial – the 29th conference of the Association for the Development of Baltic Studies "The Baltic Way: Unity and Help". The event was held from June 13 to 16 under the joint organization of Yale University and the University of New Haven – the leading educational institutions of the United States of America.

In today's realities, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are the leaders in the amount of aid to Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. Mykola Trofymenko, rector of the Mariupol State University, went to the USA to discuss the role Baltic peoples play in the pan-European and global space.

The conference became a platform for consideration of most industries in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Mykola Trofymenko joined the discussion on education issues.

Rectors of educational institutions from the three countries attended the plenary session, among them was Juozas Augutis, the head of Vytautas Magnus University, a good friend and strategic partner of Mariupol University. The MSU rector addressed the international community and outlined the directions of Ukrainian-Baltic cooperation in the academic environment, sharing the experience of implementing joint initiatives with universities and state institutions of the Baltic countries.

We are working hard with our Lithuanian friends from the Vytautas Magnus University to keep the topic of Mariupol and Mariupol universities on the international agenda. It will enable us to direct our joint efforts to the MSU pro-social mission implementation in Kyiv to create a University of the Future contemporary campus. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are making huge efforts to support Ukraine, its citizens, and its institutions. We are grateful to our friends for standing by us in the fight against evil!

says MSU rector, Mykola Trofymenko.

During his stay in the USA, the head of the Invincible University met representatives of many American and European institutions, namely, the Yale University and the University of New Haven administrations to discuss cooperation. The international community supports ambitious plans and expresses readiness for joint initiatives, which cannot but inspire.

I have a dream!

The USA is where you can share your hopes and get support for their realization. My dream is to build a new Mariupol University as a University of the Future: with a new philosophy, modern, internationalized, with an excellent campus for students, teachers, and the community. We are implementing it now, yet we still need help,

says MSU rector, Mykola Trofymenko.

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