DigiUni: MSU educators improved their digital skills in Poznan
Mariupol State University lecturers went to Poland to participate in the project "Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative" (DigiUni). Its main goal is to influence the chaotic processes of digitization in education by creating a single digital ecosystem.
From May 27 to 31, together with colleagues from 10 Ukrainian universities participating in the project, the head of the applied philology department, Olena Pedchenko, professor from the marketing and tourism department, Andriy Stoyka, and associate professor, Kateryna Horyunova, increased digital competencies at seminars and workshops based on Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
On the first day, participants explored the integration of digital skills, focusing on improving digital literacy through practical tools. Educators were introduced to the EPICUR project, which aims to expand the educational experience, promote cross-border cooperation of international communities, and potentially influence teaching and learning.
The rich program of the following days allowed the participants to delve into the video content sphere and learn about the best methods of creating educational videos. Also, the MSU educators did the language recording exercises aimed at developing their communication skills and learned to work with Microsoft Forms and Microsoft Teams.
Besides, during the visit, there were practical sessions on the material preparation capable of providing the educators with the necessary resources for interactive online teaching and the formation of online courses that meet modern requirements.