How a foreigner can restore a lost diploma

Dear foreign graduates of Mariupol University, if you have faced the problem of lost higher education documents, please pay attention to the following advice.

It is possible to restore lost documents. Information about diplomas is stored in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education. Therefore, you can either obtain electronic versions of diplomas by yourself or contact the University directly to obtain paper copies.

To obtain an electronic duplicate of a diploma, you need to leave a request on the Information and Communication Resource website. To do this, go to the "General Access to Personal Data" tab. After providing the necessary information, you will receive an electronic version of the documents with digital signatures and a stamp.

To obtain a paper duplicate of the diploma, you need to submit a written application to Mariupol University, by sending a photo or scanned copy to the email address [email protected]. In addition, the letter should include:

1. consent to the processing of personal data according to the approved form,

2. a copy of the foreign passport,

3. a copy of the identification code (if available),

4. a copy of the marriage or divorce certificate (if necessary).