bachelor's degree

Educational program «Document Management, Management of Documentary Processes»

Програма спрямована навчити організовувати комунікаційний процес за допомогою документів у будь-яких установах. Її обирають ті, хто прагне отримати ґрунтовні знання з інформаційних технологій та електронного документообігу.

Умови вступу Дізнайтесь правила прийому на програму "Документознавство, керування документаційними процесами"
Viacheslav Kudlai Кудлай
Viacheslav Kudlai Кудлай [email protected] Document Management, Management of Documentary Processes

Document Management, Management of Documentary Processes

Profile of the educational program «Document Management, Management of Documentary Processes»
tuition fees for full-time education
29068 ₴/year
tuition fees for part-time education
22605 ₴/year
there is an opportunity to study on a budget form of education
Умови вступу Дізнайтесь правила прийому на програму "Документознавство, керування документаційними процесами"
Availability of accreditation
Міністерство освіти і науки України Сертифікат НД №0585908
View the certificate
The purpose of the program
Program features
Employment and continuing education
Learning style and methods
Program competencies
Program learning outcomes

Teachers of the educational program

Maryna Bella
Maryna Bella [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Information Activities, Candidate of Sciences of Social Communication, Candidate of Sciences of Social Communication

Academic profiles
Viacheslav Kudlai Кудлай
Viacheslav Kudlai Кудлай [email protected]

Head of the Information Activities Department, PhD in Social Communications, Associate Professor, -

Academic profiles
Iryna Petrova
Iryna Petrova [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Activities, Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Oksana Fedotova
Oksana Fedotova [email protected]

Professor of Information Activity Department, Doctor of Science in History, Senior research officer, Doctor PhD hab. (History), Senior Research Officer

Academic profiles
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