Department of Political Science and International Relations

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected]

The speed and scale of modern political changes – from international to interpersonal - are exceptional. Understanding, accepting and adapting to the new reality is possible only through mastering of ideas, events, institutions and choice. Politics is the central and most important focus of human life. Political institutions, structures and processes determine the distribution of resources and human rights. The world with a value-based understanding of political power, its processes and influences – this is what we propose to study and implement.

The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers programs for careers in politics, international affairs, non-governmental organizations, media, etc. The path from big questions and ideas to community building and solving the actual problems around the world is the ambitious goal of the department’s teachers and students.

Innovative approaches to teaching and research combine international relations, political science, political analysis and political theory, creating a rich intellectual environment for interdisciplinary interaction.

Teaching process in small groups, interaction and cooperation with an excellent group of professionals - professors, lecturers and mentors – are the guarantee for encouragement and development of their own potential and professional growth. Our students have a unique opportunity to be full members of the academic team with extensive experience in grant activities, academic mobility and publication activity.

A degree in politics or international relations obtained at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Mariupol State University opens doors to a wide range of professions related to politics. Our educational programs develop a deep understanding of international political issues and provide skills for a wide range of complex professional roles. We work closely with employers in developing our programs, which guarantees our graduates a competitive advantage in the career they choose.

studying and teaching
The Department of Political Science and International Relations was founded in 2001. Since then, it has been providing training for specialists in international sphere. The powerful scientific and pedagogical staff of the department allowed opening a one-time postgraduate course in the specialty 23.00.02 - political institutions and processes in 2005, and since 2007, it has been operating on a permanent basis. In February 2013, the first defences of doctoral dissertations took place in the specialized academic council of Mariupol State University.

Socio-political changes in the country, the growth of civic and political activity in the North Azov region have created an urgent need for highly qualified specialists in political science, so in 2015, the department began training bachelors in the specialty "Political Science". In 2019, a license was obtained to train masters in this field.
scientific activity
The teachers of the Department of Political Science and International Relations actively participate in research activities. We provide functioning of a scientific school on the theory of intergovernmental and regional cooperation supervised by Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Kostyantyn Balabanov. Within its framework, departmental state budget themes were developed:

- 2016-2018 "Southeastern region of Ukraine in the conditions of social and political crisis" (state registration number 0116U000655);

- 2019-2021 "Return and reintegration of temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions: current state and prospects" (state registration number 0119U001312).

At present, the department is conducting research within the framework of the complex theme "Current problems of world political processes" (State registration number: 0122U001563).

In 2011, the scientific "Bulletin of MSU. Series: History. Political Science" was founded, which is a professional journal in political science for specialties 052, 291 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886).

The department annually holds an online conference "Trends in the Development of the Modern System of International Relations and World Political Process", which is attended by students, graduate students, young scientists and teachers from Ukrainian higher education institutions, as well as scientists from European Union countries (Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia).

Under the guidance of the department’s teachers, the Gender Research and Education Center of the UNDP Development Program, the EU Information Center, and the Baltic-Black Sea Regional Studies Center are working.

Since 2003, the student scientific society "Discussion Club "Challenges of the 21st Century"" (leader - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Serhii Pakhomenko) works on the basis of the department. Club meets each month with the participation of scientists and students from other higher education institutions, as well as employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, government bodies and local self-government.
international cooperation
The teachers of the department participate in various international projects and internships:

EUAID project "Revival of Displaced Universities: Enhancing Competitiveness, Supporting Communities", 2020-2023.

Erasmus+ project "Reconsidering Regional Studies: Baltic-Black Sea Connections", 2017-2022.

Program for Ukrainian non-resident researchers, Indiana University (USA), 2023.

Erasmus+ international internship at Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), April 5-10, 2023.

International internship "Educational Technologies and Online Teaching Approach", University of Tartu (Estonia), January 17-23, 2019.

International internship "Ensuring Quality of Educational Programs", Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), December 2-5, 2018.

International internship at the University of Warmia and Mazury (Olsztyn, Poland), 2018.

International internship at the Catholic University of Lublin, 2017-2018.

Internship "Internationalization of Higher Education", Erasmus+ program of the office in Ukraine and the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2022.

Internship "Strategy of Higher Education", Erasmus+ program of the office in Ukraine and the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2023.

Lecturers of the department

Maksym Bulyk
Maksym Bulyk [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Mykola Trofymenko
Mykola Trofymenko [email protected]

Rector, Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations, Doctor of Science in Political Science, professor,

Academic profiles
Yuliia Konstantynova
Yuliia Konstantynova [email protected]

associate Professor of the Department of Political Science & International Relations, PhD of historical sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Viktoriia Lysak
Viktoriia Lysak [email protected]

professor of the Department of Political Science and International Studies, doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

Academic profiles
Nataliia Pashyna
Nataliia Pashyna [email protected]

Professor Department of Political Science and International Relations, Doctor of Political science, Professor

Academic profiles
Iryna Gridina
Iryna Gridina [email protected]

Professor of Department of Political Science & International Relations, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Academic profiles
Kostiantyn Balabanov
Kostiantyn Balabanov [email protected]

Associate Professor Department of Political Science and International Relations, Doctor of Political science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Anastasiia Trofymenko
Anastasiia Trofymenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles
Sergii Pakhomenko
Sergii Pakhomenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, PhD in history, Candidate of Historical Science, Associate Professor

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Академічне письмо Аналіз державної політики Аналіз та прогнозування зовнішньої політики Виборчі системи країн світу Виборчі системи країн світу Дипломатична та консульська служба Дипломатія: мистецтво та наука Етнополітологія Загальна теорія держави Зовнішня політика країн Азії та Африки Зовнішня політика країн Європи Зовнішня політика країн Північної та Південної Америки Зовнішня політика та дипломатія України Історична пам'ять і політика пам’яті Історія міжнародних відносин Конфліктологія та теорія переговорів Країнознавство Методологія та методика політологічних досліджень Методологія та організація наукових досліджень Методологія та організація науково- дослідної роботи політолога Місцеве самоврядування та державне управління Політико-правові студії (ОП «Публічне управління та адміністрування») Політична аналітика Політична географія Політична експертиза Політична комунікація Політична культура Політична психологія Політична регіоналістика Політична система сучасної України Політичне консультування Політичний аналіз та прогнозування Політичні інститути та режими Політичні процеси та політичні відносини Політологія Стратегія та тактика ведення переговорів Сучасна зарубіжна політологія Сучасні підходи до вивчення глобальної історії Теорія та практика лобіювання Теорія цивілізацій Технологія політичного процесу Україна в сучасному світі
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