Department of Philosophy and Sociology

Department address: вул. Преображенська, 6, Київ, 03037
[email protected]

The Department of Philosophy and Sociology is a powerful team of highly qualified theorists and practitioners with experience in research companies, the public sector, educational and research institutions.

We prepare specialists who are able to assess the situation and see the interconnections in all spheres of social life; develop forecasts for the further development of various social processes. Sociology is the tool that helps the government hear the voice of society, and our graduates know how to use it effectively.

The department focuses on developing the professional skills of students. To this end, students are involved in conducting applied sociological research at the Laboratory of Sociological Research of MSU and partners of the department. Great attention is paid to the scientific and social components of training future specialists through their participation in scientific conferences, round tables, workshops, public and volunteer projects that create not only conditions for self-improvement but also expand the circle of useful professional acquaintances.

Educational programs for which the department conducts training
bachelor's degree
studying and teaching
The Department of Philosophy and Sociology was founded in 1997. Since that time, it has provided teaching of general cycle disciplines such as Philosophy, Sociology, Logics, Religious studies, Political sciences, etc. for all specialties of the University. In 2015, a license was obtained to train students in specialty 054 Sociology at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1683l dated July 3, 2015), and in 2016, the first group of sociology students was enrolled.

The department also offers training at the second (master’s) level of higher education in specialty 054 Sociology "Conflict Resolution and Mediation".

Highly qualified teachers who have a high theoretical level and practical experience in conducting applied sociological research carry out teaching on the specialty. The teaching staff of the department has a high level of pedagogical skills, which is constantly improving through advanced training courses, international internships, workshops, scientific and methodological seminars, etc. Teaching is carried out using leading interactive teaching methods, including multimedia support, the use of graphic visualization tools, and the creation of interactive materials.

The educational process is provided with the necessary educational and methodological literature, including the works of the department’s teachers.

The Laboratory of Sociological Research at the faculty allows students to familiarize themselves with the applied aspects of the sociologist’s work and gain their first experience in conducting sociological research under the guidance of experienced sociologist and practitioners.

In accordance with the requirements of student-centred learning, sociology students have the opportunity to form their own educational trajectory independently.
scientific activity
The teachers of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology participate in research work carried out in accordance with the comprehensive topics of scientific research.

The comprehensive scientific topics of the department are:
2011-2015 - "Models of socio-cultural practices of the population of Ukrainian Pryazovia" (State Registration Number 0105U008911).
2016-2019 - "Philosophical analysis of individual and social human existence: problems and solutions" (State Registration Number 0116U000053).
2021-2024 - "Contemporary aspects of social and cultural transformation of Ukrainian society" (State Registration Number 0120U105365).
Since 2019, the department has been hosting the annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Intercultural Communication and Glocalization Processes in the Sociological Dimension".

The department’s teachers participate in the following practical and sociological research:
- "Development Strategy of Mariupol until 2021" (2018),
- "Identification of the Level of Culture of the Population of Mariupol" (2019),
- "Attitude of the Region’s Population to the Police" (2020),
- "Digital Campus" of the University in Conditions of War: Challenges and Prospects (Case of Mariupol State University) (2023),
- "Forced Migration in the Context of the Russian and Ukrainian War: Scales, Challenges, Management" (Case of Mariupol State University) (2023), etc.

The department also has a student scientific society "Sociological Coworking" under the guidance of Professo Among its priority areas of activity are: promoting active involvement of students in conducting research and monitoring social processes in the region; providing students with modern methodologies and skills for developing and conducting social research and projects; and forming interest in scientific work in the field of sociology among students. To become a member of the scientific society, one can fill out an online form at the link.
international cooperation
The teachers of the department have participated in various international projects and scientific internships, including:

The British Council’s International Project "Active Citizens" (November 1-6, 2022)

International project "Płynność sytuacji rodzinnej uchodźczyń wojennych z Ukrainy" (IDUB "Ukraine" PSP 501-D134-20-6004310)" (August 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023)

Joint international project of the University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, UK) and the National University "Odessa Polytechnic" (Odessa, Ukraine) "Suffering in Hope for the Future": Status of Vulnerable Women and Children in Ukraine and Determination of Post-Conflict Solutions to Support their Reintegration and Resocialization (2023)

Foreign Internship "Education and Science without Borders" (2019), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland)

Foreign Internship "Development of Sociology in the European Educational Space" (August 1, 2020 - August 25, 2020), Higher School of International Relations and Social Communication in Helm (Poland)

Foreign Internship "New and Innovative Teaching Methods" (2022), Krakow University of Economics, Krakow (Poland)

Foreign Internship "Baltic Experience in Social Science and Education" (July 3, 2023 - August 13, 2023), Higher School of Management of Information Systems, Riga (Republic of Latvia).

Lecturers of the department

Tetiana Ivanets
Tetiana Ivanets [email protected]

Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Candidate of Political Science

Academic profiles
Igor Gudyma
Igor Gudyma [email protected]

Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor

Academic profiles
Yana Zoska
Yana Zoska [email protected]

Professor of Department of Philosophy & Sociology, Doctor of Sociology Sciences, Professor

Academic profiles
Natalya Romantsova
Natalya Romantsova [email protected]

Professor of Department of philosophy and sociology, doctor of historical sciences, docent, doctor of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Historical Disciplines

Academic profiles
Oleksandr Zubchenko
Oleksandr Zubchenko [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Academic profiles

Educational disciplines of the department

compulsory disciplines

Академічне письмо Академічне письмо Актуальні проблеми української історіографії Актуальні проблеми філософії Вступ до фаху Демографія Загальні соціологічні теорії Історія політичних вчень Історія соціології Історія та теорія політичних партій Історія українського суспільства нового часу Медіація та практика ведення переговорів Методи збору та аналізу соціологічних даних Методологія та методи дослідження миру і конфлікту Методологія та організація наукових досліджень Методологія та програмування соціологічних досліджень Міжкультурна (кроскультурна) комунікація Моделювання та прогнозування соціальних процесів Надійність соціологічної інформації Обробка соціологічних даних засобами інформаційних технологій Політичні еліти та лідерство Політологія міжнародних відносин Порівняльна політологія Психологія конфлікту Соціальна безпека в умовах військової агресії Соціальна безпека в умовах гібридних загроз Соціальна політика Соціальна структура суспільства Соціологічна думка в Україні Соціологія Соціологія економіки та праці (з курсовою роботою) Соціологія масової комунікації Соціологія масової комунікації Соціологія міжкультурної комунікації Соціологія міжнародних відносин Соціологія (ОП «Кібербезпека») Соціологія (ОП «Публічне управління та адміністрування») Соціологія освіти і молоді Соціологія управління Статистичні методи в політичній науці Сучасні методи аналізу соціальних явищ та процесів Сучасні соціологічні теорії Українознавчі студії Управління соціальними конфліктами Філософія Філософія освіти Філософія політики Філософія (Польсько-українські філологічні студії)
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