Department of Economics and International Economic Relations
For over 25 years, the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations has been training professionals in the field of international economics. Today, it provides comprehensive professional training in the specialties of 051 "Economics" and 292 "International Economic Relations" and is the graduating department for professionals who obtain education at the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), and third (educational and scientific) levels of higher education.
Educational programs for which the department conducts training
bachelor's degree
master's degree
studying and teaching
More than 30 economic disciplines of theoretical and practical orientation are taught by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations for students of various specialties and faculties of the University.
The strategic line of activity of the department is active involvement in the educational process of outstanding scientists, founders, and representatives of various scientific schools of Ukraine and other countries, recognized by world practice in the development of university education.
The educational process in the specialties of the department is carried out using modern methods and means of conducting classes and is based on the latest student-centered and problem-oriented learning technologies.
The disciplines of the department have modern educational and methodological support, which is systematically updated and improved. We established cooperation with stakeholders and practitioners who participate in teaching profile disciplines.
Training of future specialists in economics involves practical training in enterprises, including international ones, and the use of business simulations, which allows bringing the educational process closer to real working conditions.
The department has trained over 500 graduates who contribute to the economic development of the country. Graduates in the specialties of "Economics" and "International Economic Relations" work in local government authorities and state institutions, leading enterprises, banking institutions, or are founders of their own businesses.
The strategic line of activity of the department is active involvement in the educational process of outstanding scientists, founders, and representatives of various scientific schools of Ukraine and other countries, recognized by world practice in the development of university education.
The educational process in the specialties of the department is carried out using modern methods and means of conducting classes and is based on the latest student-centered and problem-oriented learning technologies.
The disciplines of the department have modern educational and methodological support, which is systematically updated and improved. We established cooperation with stakeholders and practitioners who participate in teaching profile disciplines.
Training of future specialists in economics involves practical training in enterprises, including international ones, and the use of business simulations, which allows bringing the educational process closer to real working conditions.
The department has trained over 500 graduates who contribute to the economic development of the country. Graduates in the specialties of "Economics" and "International Economic Relations" work in local government authorities and state institutions, leading enterprises, banking institutions, or are founders of their own businesses.
scientific activity
The scientific work of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations is aimed at researching theoretical and practical problems of global economic development and international economic relations, highlighting current issues of integration processes and regionalization of the world economy, interregional cooperation, ensuring international and national security, and Ukraine’s European integration in the context of globalization.
Recently, the following researches have been carried out:
- state budget topic "Development of the international competitiveness of the region in the conditions of global integration" (state registration number 0111U010450, 2012-2014; supervisors - Prof. Balabanov K. V., Prof. Bulatova O. V.);
- state budget topic "Development of organizational and economic models of interregional cooperation in the context of deepening European integration" (state registration number 015U003043, 2015-2017; supervisor – Prof. Bulatova O. V.);
- scientific topic "Theoretical and methodological support and development of the toolkit for the modernization model of regional development in new territorial and spatial conditions" (state registration number 0118U0000551, 2018-2020; supervisor – Prof. Bulatova O.V.);
- scientific topic "Formation of economic security of Central and Eastern European countries in the international security environment" (state registration number 0121U110940; 2021-2023; supervisor - Prof. Bulatova O.V.).
The results of scientific activity of the Department include the publication of monographs such as "Problems of Ukraine’s Integration into the Global Economic Space" (2007), "Development of the World Market for Tourist Services" (2009), "Formation of the Currency Policy of Countries in Modern Conditions" (2009), "Potential for the Development of the World Transport System" (2012), "Regional Component of Global Integration Processes" (2012), "Development of International Competitiveness of the Region in the Context of Global Integration" (2014), "Development of Organizational and Economic Models of Interregional Cooperation in the Context of Deepening European Integration" (2017), and "Development of Integration Processes in the Context of Global Regionalization" (2017). The staff of the Department also prepares textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, such as "International Banking Business" (2003), "International Resource Markets" (2006), "International Economics" (2011), "International Tourism" (2012), and "International Finance" (2013). They also publish scientific articles in professional journals, included in international databases, e.g. Web of Science, and abstracts of reports. The Department is also responsible for organizing the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Features of Integration of Countries into the World Economic and Political Legal Space," which is attended by scientists from Poland, Georgia, Moldova, and other countries. The conference is co-organized by Poznan State Economic University (Poland), Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili (Georgia), Cahul State University named after B. P. Hasdeu (Moldova), Comrat State University (Moldova), Dimitar A. Tzenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria), the Department of Economics of Mariupol City Council, and the Mariupol Branch of the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce. Since 2011, the Department has published the scientific journal "Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: Economics," which is included in international databases and is a professional publication in the field of economics. The Department participates in the work of the Scientific Council on Economics, specialized academic councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at Mariupol State University, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and Ternopil National Economic University (as members of the council, opponents, and reviewers). The results of the scientific research have practical significance and are used in the activities of local government bodies, enterprises, organizations, and institutions in Mariupol and Donetsk region.
Significant attention is paid to the formation of a high-quality scientific and pedagogical staff. The development of personnel potential is carried out in the following directions:
- training of specialists in the postgraduate studies of Mariupol State University in the specialties "International Economic Relations" and "Economics";
- professional development in the form of scientific and scientific and methodological internships;
- participation in professional development programmes;
- participation in international and all-Ukrainian conferences and seminars.
An important part of the work of the department is the supervision of scientific work of students, who are winners and laureates of the second stage of the all-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, the all-Ukrainian competition of works of students in the specialty "International Economics", the International competition of student research and creative projects (Kremenchuk), the International competition of student research papers in economics at Cahul State University (Republic of Moldova), participants of the second stage of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads in international economics, international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.
Recently, the following researches have been carried out:
- state budget topic "Development of the international competitiveness of the region in the conditions of global integration" (state registration number 0111U010450, 2012-2014; supervisors - Prof. Balabanov K. V., Prof. Bulatova O. V.);
- state budget topic "Development of organizational and economic models of interregional cooperation in the context of deepening European integration" (state registration number 015U003043, 2015-2017; supervisor – Prof. Bulatova O. V.);
- scientific topic "Theoretical and methodological support and development of the toolkit for the modernization model of regional development in new territorial and spatial conditions" (state registration number 0118U0000551, 2018-2020; supervisor – Prof. Bulatova O.V.);
- scientific topic "Formation of economic security of Central and Eastern European countries in the international security environment" (state registration number 0121U110940; 2021-2023; supervisor - Prof. Bulatova O.V.).
The results of scientific activity of the Department include the publication of monographs such as "Problems of Ukraine’s Integration into the Global Economic Space" (2007), "Development of the World Market for Tourist Services" (2009), "Formation of the Currency Policy of Countries in Modern Conditions" (2009), "Potential for the Development of the World Transport System" (2012), "Regional Component of Global Integration Processes" (2012), "Development of International Competitiveness of the Region in the Context of Global Integration" (2014), "Development of Organizational and Economic Models of Interregional Cooperation in the Context of Deepening European Integration" (2017), and "Development of Integration Processes in the Context of Global Regionalization" (2017). The staff of the Department also prepares textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, such as "International Banking Business" (2003), "International Resource Markets" (2006), "International Economics" (2011), "International Tourism" (2012), and "International Finance" (2013). They also publish scientific articles in professional journals, included in international databases, e.g. Web of Science, and abstracts of reports. The Department is also responsible for organizing the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Features of Integration of Countries into the World Economic and Political Legal Space," which is attended by scientists from Poland, Georgia, Moldova, and other countries. The conference is co-organized by Poznan State Economic University (Poland), Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili (Georgia), Cahul State University named after B. P. Hasdeu (Moldova), Comrat State University (Moldova), Dimitar A. Tzenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria), the Department of Economics of Mariupol City Council, and the Mariupol Branch of the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce. Since 2011, the Department has published the scientific journal "Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: Economics," which is included in international databases and is a professional publication in the field of economics. The Department participates in the work of the Scientific Council on Economics, specialized academic councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at Mariupol State University, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and Ternopil National Economic University (as members of the council, opponents, and reviewers). The results of the scientific research have practical significance and are used in the activities of local government bodies, enterprises, organizations, and institutions in Mariupol and Donetsk region.
Significant attention is paid to the formation of a high-quality scientific and pedagogical staff. The development of personnel potential is carried out in the following directions:
- training of specialists in the postgraduate studies of Mariupol State University in the specialties "International Economic Relations" and "Economics";
- professional development in the form of scientific and scientific and methodological internships;
- participation in professional development programmes;
- participation in international and all-Ukrainian conferences and seminars.
An important part of the work of the department is the supervision of scientific work of students, who are winners and laureates of the second stage of the all-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, the all-Ukrainian competition of works of students in the specialty "International Economics", the International competition of student research and creative projects (Kremenchuk), the International competition of student research papers in economics at Cahul State University (Republic of Moldova), participants of the second stage of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads in international economics, international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.
Lecturers of the department
Educational disciplines of the department
compulsory disciplines
Академічне письмо
Багатонаціональні підприємства
Валютно-фінансові операції у міжнародному бізнесі
Вступ до спеціальності
Гроші та кредит
Економіка підприємства
Економіка сталого розвитку
Економічна теорія
Економічний аналіз
Економічний аналіз та моделювання
Конкурентноспроможність глобальних компаній
Конкурентоспроможність глобальних компаній
Лідерство та мотивація
Лідерство та мотивація
Міжнародна економічна безпека
Міжнародна економічна статистика
Міжнародна інвестиційна діяльність
Міжнародна конкурентоспроможність суб’єктів світової економіки
Міжнародний бізнес
Міжнародний інноваційно-інвестиційний менеджмент
Міжнародний маркетинг
Міжнародні економічні відносини
Міжнародні стандарти та зарубіжна практика обліку
Міжнародні стратегії економічного розвитку
Міжнародні стратегії економічного розвитку
Міжнародні фінанси
Національна економічна політика
Основи економічної теорії
Основи підприємництва (ОП «Польсько-українські філологічні студії»)
Спеціальні методи економічних досліджень
Стратегічний розвиток підприємства
Стратегічний розвиток підприємства
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